Sunday, November 30, 2008

The end of the month...but not the road!

Well.. here we are at the end of the month. November 30th! I can't believe the month is over. I had been waiting for the month to get here. I was so excited for it. I was so anxious for it too. I was working so hard this month. I made 16 posters that said either National Adoption Month with a description of what that is... or Families Supporting Adoption or a combination of the two. Then we called the local libraries and re-called the local libraries. I wrote a letter to the libraries. I mailed the letter to the libraries. I called other adoption agencies and asked them to donate some of their pamphlets to us. I help to organize with our local FSA chapter a book drive for the local libraries, to collect additional adoption books to add to their collection. We held a pancake breakfast and book drive for our FSA chapter. We took the posters I made, and the pamphlets we collected to the local libraries for them to display during the month.

We now have to return to the libraries and collect our posters again. I have to distribute the books that we collected at the book drive.

IT HAS BEEN A BUSY MONTH!!! It has also been a successful month. I wish we could be doing things like this to promote adoption to the community all the time. I feel like there is such a negative connotation about adoption out there about adoption and I wish we could change that. I wish people didn't only hear about adoption one month out of twelve. I love adoption and what it has already done for me.

I wish I could have shared more of my real thoughts and emotions that go along with adoption but I didn't. I WILL! Adoption is not just something that I think about once a year... It is daily for me and I love it that way.


Lisa said...

Aranne, I agree with you on only celebrating adoption once a year. I celebrate it and the blessing it has been in my life every day. You will be blessed for your hard work this month I just know it!!! You are amazing and I can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Have a GREAT week!!!

Rebecca and Co. said...

Wow, you worked hard this month! Good for you. Your passion and your efforts DO help paint adoption in a positive light, and hopefully people will come to see adoption for what it is: a gift of love.

Hope your Christmas season is wonderful!

Kirsten Krason said...

You have made all of us think harder about adoption. Thank you for that :)

Amy said...

I admire people like you. What a great example of advocacy! That's why I love working in non-profit -I always get to work for causes close to my heart.