Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gratitude Countdown #3: Adoption

#3: I am thankful for Adoption!

Dan and our caseworker from LDS Family Services Brad at our 80's dinner!

I know I have said it a thousand times before, but it is true. I am so thankful for adoption and the opportunity it gives Dan and I to build our eternal family. I am thankful for the loving birthmother and her love that she has her her child and for us to place her baby for adoption and then to chose us to parent that baby. I am thankful that Adoption can take place and that we can give that baby a loving home and a chance and all the love in the world (because that is what we will do!) I am thankful for all that I have learned going through the waiting process. I am thankful for all I have learned about adoption. I am also thankful for the people I have meet because of adoption and the activities and projects that I have been able to be a part of because of adoption. The entire process has truly changed my life and me forever.


Kirsten Krason said...

I am also so grateful for the chance you have to adopt. The whole process is a miracle for everyone!!!

The Hardy's said...

I just love your blog. You have so many cute ideas and fun posts. I need your help with mine - to spice it up a bit.