Sunday, April 20, 2008


I talked to my friend Kirsten today and told her about the adoption and the process and what we were going through. She has a blog over here and I asked her if it would be okay if she would put a link on it to our adoption profile. She said she would love to do that for me and I was very thankful. They tell us to do all that we can and try to get our name out there as much as possible and that we will be blessed for our efforts. Now I don't know if having our profile link on her site will do anything for us, but I feel like we are doing our part and doing all that we can and that is the important part to me....

Well, I went to look at her site to see if she had done it and what it looked like and not only had she put a link on but she had typed up a beautiful post that I wanted to share with you. It is great to have wonderful, supportive friends and family and once again I feel uplifted. Here is what she said.

You can get so confused
that you'll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place...
Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a sting of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.
NO! That's not for you!
Somehow you'll escape all that waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places where Boom Bands are playing.
-Dr. Suess, Oh the Places You'll Go

It seems right now that I have a lot of friends who are just waiting. Waiting for their lives to begin. We are all waiting for something whether it be graduation, a home, a baby, a move a job ect. Just waiting and waiting with no end in sight sometimes. Right now I seem to have a lot of friends who are waiting to have a baby bless their lives. And it breaks my heart. I admire their strength and faith so much. I can't imagine what would be harder than to be so ready and willing to bring a baby into a good home and to be have to just wait. Not knowing when....My friends Dan and Aranne have been waiting for a baby for a long time. They began the adoption process in the fall and are anxiously awaiting a little baby. They were our good friends in Vegas and I know they would make great parents. They are fun and generous and spiritual and responsible and I could go on and on. A baby would have no idea how lucky it would be to be placed in their home. But for now they are just waiting. There is always an end in sight though. The waiting will not last forever. Like my friend Aranne said today it will just make us stronger and make us appreciate it so much more when the wait is over.I know all my friends that are waiting for children will be blessed with them one day. I just want them to know they are always in my prayers."

Again, I can't say it enough but I want to thank Kirsten and everyone for their thoughts and prayers and let them know that they are felt and appreciated. We are doing good and hanging in there. We know that the reward will be worth the WAIT!


The Wilker Family said...

That was a very sweet thing for your friend to do. I agree with her completely, and I too know that the reward will be more than worth the wait. You guys will make it through this time and will be better people and parents for it! We love you!

Kirsten Krason said...

It was so great to talk to you! You know I would do anything for you. I don't know if it will help but all the exposure you can get is good right? I admire you so much!

Lindsey from The R House said...

what a great friend! HOORAY for adoption of my favorite topics. i am excited to add you as one of my adoption friends. we will keep you in r prayers.

much love!

the r house

Mike and Holly said...

You know, lots of us are learning from this experience just by watching you and praying for you. I was very touched by what your friend said. You are amazing examples both, to us and to all who are watching you go through this process.