Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the Fab Four

We had tickets tonight for the FAB FOUR! It was a really good show. Besides the fact that we were the youngest people in the audience by about 30 years.....
It was great to listen to all of the songs and KNOW them all. The guy doing John Lennon did a really good job and did IMAGINE great. We heard everything from She Loves Me.... to Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. It really was a great show.


Josh said...

Hey Guys! Just thought I would say what's up. It's getting too blasted hot down here already. Dan, I don't know how you grew up in this mess. Get me back to Utah...

Mike and Holly said...

OK, we are jealous here. I bet it was a great show! I remember being little of seeing the Beatles for the first time on Ed Sullivan. I didn't care one way or another about them, but I DO remember how scandalized my grandparents were about their hair length. They were truly shocked and I think might have predicted the end of the world because of it. Now the Beatles look positively well groomed by comparison!