Monday, April 28, 2008

Pass the Remote!

We made it through Turn-off Week and lived to tell about it...

In reality it wasn't all that bad. Dan might have a different opinion but I can say it wasn't too bad. Our schedules were so full and our nights were packed that we HONESTLY barely noticed we were missing an entire week of television. It was actually kinda nice.

The only thing that I felt deprived of was American Idol. I hated not being able to see the show, and then VOTE, of course, and then see who went home. I of course knew the following day because of the Internet but not being able to see it was hard. We have since viewed the show thanks to TiVo.. but it is not the same. Other than that all of the other shows that we watch I didn't really miss too badly. Makes me have to sit back and re-think all of the time that I spend watching them.

I do also have to mention that I felt like I had so much more energy last week. I woke up much earlier than normal, but didn't go to be any earlier than usual. We were able to get a lot more reading done than normal and just be able to spend time together doing OTHER things which is nice. I think it was a great week and maybe we will do it more than just once a year... MAYBE!!!


The Wilker Family said...

This is a random question, but do you guys watch the Bachelor? I thought I remembered you guys watching it in the past, so I didn't know if you were watching this season. If you do, I'm interested in your thoughts about last night's episode and who he's picked. This guy is starting to make me mad!

{B}dreamy said...

I would totally do it! If I didn't have a toddler who was addicted... I know, I know. Disgusting. What kind of a mother am I?! *B