Friday, March 7, 2008


I was tagged by Kirsten so I thought I would play along because it seemed kinda fun so here we go....

5 years ago I was....22 and only been married for a little over a year. Working at a nursing home and loving it. Getting great presents from Tiffany and Co. from my husband.

5 months ago I was.... just approved from LDS adoption services in Salt Lake City (YEAH!). Eating too much Halloween candy. Freezing from the cold of winter in the desert. Not blogging yet (what was I doing with all my spare time?!)

5 things that worry me..... Whether or not I am going to be a good mom (a huge worry to me). TAXES! Worry if Dan's truck is going to make it as long as we need it to. If we will ever be able to sell our timeshare. If I am a good example to my family or not?!

5 bad habits....I watch too many reality TV shows (too much TV in general). I am not very good at saying "NO". I surf the web too much. I talk way TOO loud. I am very impatient.

5 favorite places I have lived before....My own apartment. Sunny Southern California. Brand new apartment in Arizona (Sort of?!). Nevada. That's it, I don't move much!

5 greatest blessings... A wonderful husband. Supportive family (mine and Dan's). A wonderful decision I made to join the church (age 17). The opportunity to be adopting and the blessings it brings into our lives. Great friends, old and new(er).

5 things in my virtual shopping bag... Guitar Hero (played it once and I am hooked!). DownEast Basic Confetti Dress. "Our Gift" figurine by Willow Tree. Gilmore Girls boxed DVD set. Trip to London to visit Lina and Gary.

5 of my favorite things to blog about.... Scrapbooking/cards. New finds. Going green. Fun stuff Dan and I do. Adoption updates (that means something is happening!)

5 people I tag.... Lina, Amy, Maile, Lindsay and Dan (he will love this for sure!)

Thanks Kirsten, fun and very thought provoking that is for sure. Hope everyone I tag partakes and enjoys.

1 comment:

The Wilker Family said...

Ooh...I like that one! Fun with all of the 5's instead of just random #'s. I think I'll do that one too!