Monday, March 24, 2008

The Easter Bunny Made His Entrance

The Easter Bunny came to our house on Sunday and brought a bunch of Dan's family. It was nice to be able to enjoy the holiday with them. Dan's mom and dad were here, and then we were also able to enjoy the day with his older brother Mike and his wife Maile and their little one Ellie. My parents also came to our house and shared Easter lunch with us as a big extended family as well. I had the "opportunity" to do the cooking and so far we have all survived so it must not have been that bad! I don't cook that often so it was a big deal, especially cooking for 9 people and an important meal like Easter, but it was fun and exciting to try new things and new recipes.

We are still enjoying the company of Dan's family and spending time with them. It is nice to be able to see them and do things with them as we don't get a chance to see them that often.


The Wilker Family said...

Sounds like you guys all had a great time! Wish we could've been, we would've loved to see everyone and spend Easter all together!

Kirsten Krason said...

I'm glad you had a good easter. Your card was so cute!!!! I really really love getting them. Thanks so much.
"Eat, Pray, Love" was okay. Not all it was hyped up to be. You won't be missing anything if you don't read it in my opinion.

kristen said...

It's always fun to spend time with family on the holidays-sounds like you had/are having a fun time! Thanks so much for the card it was super cute! I'm going to send you soon one of Allyson's artistic creations-so be waiting by the mailbox!

Mike and Holly said...

And the dinner was wonderful! You know I am going to make the jello salad for sure and I have never had ham with cherry 7-up and and loved that, too! No one would know you don't cook a lot. You did great!

Maile said...

It was a super-tasty dinner, and so, so fun to hang out with you! Thanks for all the work you put into making it a wonderful day!