Monday, March 17, 2008

Aren't I LUCKY?!

I really am a LUCKY girl. I have great parents who support me in all that I do and always have. We live close and are able to do things together which is really nice. It is fun to be able to do things together even if it is just having dinner or going to the store.

I am LUCKY to have a wonderful mother-in-law (and entire extended family too!) You hear so many stories about in-laws and how you can't stand them and it is so not true with me. I love them all so much and we have such a great time together and just wish we were able to see each other more often.

Most importantly I am LUCKY because I have an amazing husband. He is wonderful. He would do anything for me and does what he can to make sure that I am happy every day. He works hard and plays harder! He makes me smile and laugh all of the time and together we have a pretty amazing life. I don't know where I would be without him and I am blessed to have him as my companion and LUCKY to call him my friend.
I have lots of other reasons to be happy on this day, I have great friends and good health. I think it is nice to sit back and actually realize that life isn't always as bad as we sometimes like to think it is. We have so much and take it for granted too often. On this day I am counting my blessings for sure and can see for sure how LUCKY I am!


Kirsten Krason said...

I love your parents!!! Well I don't know your dad that well but your mom is so so so nice. And I agree that you are lucky to have Dan. YOu two are so perfect for each other.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for including me in your Lucky List. I feel lucky to have you so close too.

Lina said...

Your parents are fabulous, they're a great pair of extra parents for me too. :-) And Dan, he is quite the funny one isn't he. I'm lucky to have such great people on the other side of the world. XX

Holly said...

So great you took some time to remember blessings in your life.

I was LUCKY to receive a sweet St. Patty's card from you--thank you so much!!

The Wilker Family said...

We are definitely so lucky to have you as a sister-in-law!! We love you very much and I seriously couldn't imagine our family without you!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I love gratitude posts like this. I think that when we are thankful with open hands, we are open to receiving and giving even more blessings.

You are very lucky to have all that. And to know it!