Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Giving me hope for my Martian Child

We watched this sweet movie "Martian Child" and couldn't help but feel that someone is trying to tell us something.
You know when things are happening in your life you become acutely aware of things around you and that is happening to us for sure right now. I don't know if it is coincidence or what but there seems to be a lot in our lives right now that involving ADOPTION. Besides us working with the activities committee with FSA (families supporting adoption - with the LDS adoption agency), we have a family of four kids who moved into our ward who are all adopted, and there are also lot of things out in the media as well. The fabulous movie "Juno" came out and I loved it, and it got great reviews too. Then we go to rent a movie and the only things I really had heard about this movie was that it was about a kid who thinks he is from Mars, and that it has one of my favorite actresses in it, Amanda Peet, so that is why we got it. I had really no idea that he was trying to adopt this little boy. Although he is trying to adopt an older son while we are adopting an infant. He has much more patience and understanding than I could ever have. The story ends happily ever after and that gave me hope once again that we too will have our own happily ever after one day too. (sorry if I ruined it for anyone!) And I am also reading this book right now, "The Wednesday Letters", and it one of the family members is trying to adopt as well.
I just think that the more aware of our surroundings and our situations we are the more that these things tend to be present in our lives. I think it is great right now because it helps me to not feel like such an OUTSIDER and not to feel so alone in my situation. I just find it odd because before we were in this place I don't think I would have picked up on these subtle things and noticed them nearly the way I do now. Adoption is a much more common thing in our society and becoming more and more "accepted" and I am a full supporter of that, as long as it is done with love and compassion.


The Wilker Family said...

That's so great, you guys are constantly in our prayers. We rented Martian Child too and didn't know what to expect. It was such a sweet story that we loved it!

Kirsten Krason said...

I haven't seen that yet. I'll have to watch it. I think these are all signs that you are making the right decision. Keep those adoption movies coming!

KJ said...

I think adoption is every bit the miracle that giving birth is. Truly. It's definitely more difficult. Keep thinking the happy thoughts.