Friday, February 29, 2008

Box full of Service

It was that time of year again this week when the Bishop asked us to fill a box (or two or three) for the Salvation Army with non-perishable food items. This comes around once a year and I never seem to really think about what it really means to those who are getting the items that we donate. We donate every year by just going through the pantry and seeing what we haven't used and what we don't really want anymore or what we have too much of and those items go into the box. But this year for some reason as I took the box to the Bishop's house I really was thinking about the people who were going to be receiving these items and wondering about them. I hope that my family and I are never on the receiving end and that we always have "enough". We are blessed to be able to donate and to give of what we have to those who do not have enough. I hope that my contribution will help someone out and make a difference in their life, because they made a difference in mine.

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