Friday, February 1, 2008

Before I die

Last night Dan and I went out to dinner (TGI Friday) and then went to a movie. We saw "The Bucket List". It was a sweet movie and kinda funny. It was not my favorite movie ever but it got me thinking. It made me think about how I am spending my life now and whether or not I am making good use of the time that I have here on the earth. They knew when they were going to die (hope I don't spoil the movie if you haven't seen it yet) but most of us don't have any idea. There was a part in the movie where they talk about the conditions of getting into heaven were only two questions: 1. Is my life joyful? and 2. Do I bring joy to others? I hope that I will be able to answer "YES" to both of those questions when my day comes.

The second topic of the movie has to do with doing all that you can in life and living each day to the fullest. That is where the "Bucket List" comes in. The list of things you want to do/accomplish before you "kick the bucket". That part really struck me. There are a ton of things that I want to do and hope I will have the chance to do them. I have made my own list of sorts and hope that I will be able to start crossing things off now and not wait until one day when I am old and gray and look back and think "I wish I would have..." NO REGRETS!

Part of my list:
Eat pizza in Italy
See Big Ben
Run in a marathon (or at least a half marathon)
Go whitewater rafting
Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity

There are lots of big things on my list but also lots of small things... I hope that I will be able to do them all and then start my list over again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First off, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Our thoughts are with you both today. Aranne, I was so impressed with your list! Some great goals there and I have found that the most amazing things can happen in one's life. Never give up on those dreams.