Monday, February 11, 2008


It is "Random Acts of Kindness Week" and so I hope we can all take a few minutes and do something nice and unexpected for someone (or for lots of people) this week. It is always nice to be remembered and to let others know you think of them and that you care for them. I took a little bit of time out during my recent trip and made a few cards for some special people just wanting to acknowledge them and let them know how special they are to me and that they really do bring something special into my life. I hope that they have a great week and know that I am thinking of them and I also hope it will encourage them to "Pass it On" and do something nice for someone else.

These are the cards that I send out... Just a little something to say HI!!!


Lori Lavender Luz said...

I didn't know that. I guess I'll have to be a little nicer.

But only for a week. ;-).

Nice cards.

{B}dreamy said...

Very cute cards Aranne! Speaking of which, have you gotten my latest of emails? Do you think mine (and your partners) emails are getting sent to your Junk-mail, maybe? I sure hope we can solve this mystery; it's driving me bonkers! *B