Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Official

Alright, we got our OFFICIAL letter from LDS Family Services in the mail about a month ago telling us that we were approved for adoption. That was a very exciting day. I told Dan it was like we were going on a mission. He was at work and I was not allowed to open it until he got home as if it was our "calling" I was about to read. It was very exiciting to actually see it in writing finally that all of our hard work over the past few months was finally over and that we were finally ready to proceed with the process.
Now the best part. Thanks to a wonderful sister-in-law (Maile Urbancic) our profile is now online and able to be viewed by everyone. This has only happened in the last 2 weeks. It is beautiful and we are so thankful for all of the hardwork that she put into it for us. If you want to take a look at it go to and click on search adoption profiles. Our profile name is DanielAndAranne and you will find us there.
This is both an exciting time for us and a very nerve racking time too. We have now done all that we can do and now we must sit back and place our trust and faith in the Lord's hands and be patient (something I am learning to be). We know that when the time is right and when Heavenly Father has found the right child for our home he will bless us and until then we need to just continue to be patient and understanding but that is a hard thing for us to just sit back and do nothing. We are blessed in so many other ways with great friends, an amazing family and a wonderful marriage and we think of these things daily. We know the Lord will bless us with a child and when that time comes our hearts will be completely full. Until then we pray for our sweet spirit wherever they may be and our birth mother wherever she is also.

1 comment:

Kirsten Krason said...

Oh my gosh. I am SO happy for you. You two will be the BEST parents. I LOVE your profile. It is so good. I would give you my child! Keep me updated on what's going on. I will be praying for you to find a baby for your home.