Sunday, October 7, 2007

177th Semi-Annual

General Conference....

Well our callings allow us to attend ever session of General Conference at the Stake Center. As we sit in the building mostly with just the missionaries and sometimes with only 1 or 2 other people with think to ourselves "why are we here when we could be at home?" or "why don't we just invite everyone in this room to our house to watch this, they would all fit." But as we sat through Conference this weekend we were able to hear the words of our leaders and feel of their sweet spirits. It makes such a difference to get dressed in our Sunday best and make the drive to the church and sit and listen and sing along with the choir. We are able to get so much more out of Conference then we ever have just by watching it at home or reading it in the next issue of the Ensign. We come to realize even more strongly that sometimes the callings are not for the people that we serve but more importantly for us. We are blessed by our calling and blessed for the opportunity that we have to attend Conference and hear the talks and learn from our leaders and feel of their spirits. We hope that the building will be full and that our stake members will also realize the importance of General Conference and how much more you get from actually attending and watching from the Stake Center but for now we are content with just watching by ourselves and being able to hear that still small voice loud and clear.

1 comment:

Kirsten Krason said...

I love this. Conference was SO good this year. I loved all the talks. I really liked Elder Cook. He seems really humble. He will be a great apostle.