Wednesday, October 3, 2007

5 things about Dan

Since this is a site about Dan and Aranne both I figured Dan should have to answer some of the same questions too so here are his thoughts on 5 things....

1. 5 things I was doing 10 years ago..
(I was 17 at the time)
playing football
sitting in class
staying up late
finishing my Eagle Scout

2. 5 things on my "to do" list...
raise a family
see more of the world (travel)
go back to school
do more projects aruond the house

3. 5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
Travel more
learn to golf (because all millionaires golf)
purchase a Dream Home
spoil my wife (kissing up!!)

4. 5 bad habits...
don't eat right (no vegetables!)
don't exercise enough
sleep too much
don't have self control (want it = buy it)
I am not organized

5. 5 things I would never wear again...
Rolled up shorts
socks with sandels
a part on the side of my hair
missionary tag

6. 5 of my favorite toys...
my video games (x-box)
my snowboard
my jetskis
my boogie board
my tools

Well there are a few areas were Dan and I are very much alike and some where we are not.. It is fun to see the differences and the things we have in common.

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