Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hear Ye, Hear Ye


Dan, my dad, our friend Misa, her son Dominick and myself all went to Sunset Park on Saturday to step back in time and enjoy the festivities of the Renaissance Fair. Besides the long line to get in and the unusually warm weather that day we had a great time. The food was fabulous of course and I was able to add another rose to my collection. This time it is a pink rose made from burlap. Really pretty actually. The fair is growing year after year and we are not quite sure how much longer they are going to be able to hold it in Sunset Park they are just outgrowing the space, that is for sure. It is always fun to see how many people have these elaborate costumes that they come dressed up in and then to see the prices they paid for them. They spend a lot of money on these things and you wonder if they only wear them once a year or if there is an underground group of people who are out there who wear these things and get together doing who knows what wearing these outfits together throughout the year. I don't know but it definitely made me think?!


Kirsten Krason said...

I wish we could have gone!! I miss hanging out with you guys!

Kirsten Krason said...

well next time I hear about a swap I'll let you know. You would love it! Basically you send something to a person and they send you something back. This one was a little diffferent in that it was more of a circle swap so I sent to a lady in florida and recieved from a lady in slc. But I'll let you know when the next one is!