Saturday, May 3, 2008

Book Club: Watership Down

After trips to TWO different libraries I finally have my copy of this months book club book, Watership Down by Richard Adams. I am really apprehensive about this book. It is so NOT my style but I am going to give it a try. I am not the Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, or even Harry Potter kind of girl and this is what this book seems to be like.... But I said I was going to try new things and go for it... so I am all in!

Dan is at a scout expo right now, and the weather is beautiful so I have by book, some water and I am heading outside to give it a try. Wish me luck and I hope I can get excited about this book and most importantly that I will be able to keep up and finish by the 25th when our meeting is. Because not only is this book not my style but it is huge too....426 pages of not my style... But outside I go and Watership Down here I come...

There is still time to join the BBBC if you feel the need. It is way fun and it is summertime so who doesn't love to sit outside, get a tan and enjoy a good book?! Join the fun.


Kirsten Krason said...

Oh I love that book. I had to read it in High School and it has been one of my favorite books ever since. Really good. But most definitly not the typical chick read. I liked it though~!

KJ said...

watership down is actually much different than Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. (not sci fi, not really fantasy). It's quite wonderful actually. I hope you like it!

Holly said...

I've been wondering if you were able to find it at the other library--glad they had it, but sorry for the runaround.

I'd say it is a type of fantasy book, but very different. I remember getting completely wrapped up in the personalities of those rabbits and their adventure. I hope you enjoy it--good for you for being open to new things!