Saturday, May 10, 2008

Birthmother's Day

Last year I had no idea there was even a day they called Birthmother's Day... but now I am very aware of it and I am very proud that there is such a day and I can't wait until I am able to celebrate it and have a wonderful lady to honor.

"Birthmother’s Day is not a holiday you will find on your calendar. Nor will you find Birthmother’s Day cards in the aisles at Hallmark. Birthmother's Day is beginning to become more recognized in the adoption community. It was created in 1990 by a group of Seattle birthmothers not only to educate others about adoption and bring recognition to birthmothers but to give birthmothers the opportunity to come together and honor the children they gave life to and relinquished. Birthmother’s Day is always the Saturday before Mother’s Day symbolic because our (birthmothers) motherhood comes before the motherhood of another. Birthmom’s Day Celebrations, receptions, and banquets are beginning to pop up all across the country hosted by different agencies and support groups as a way to honor birthmothers."

For more information on Birthmother's Day take a look at the following sites; Celebrating Motherhood or Birthmother's Day.


Josh said...

Wow Aranne, I've never heard of this day and I'm adopted. I'm glad it exists and that you brought it to my attention. Birthmother's should be recognized for making the very very wise choice that they made. I'm sure grateful that my birthmother made that choice.

Kirsten Krason said...

Very sweet. We will try and remember it. Way to go on completing the BOM!! You guys are awesome.

Lindsay Marie said...

You rock! What a great mom you will be someday!

kelly said...

one day you too will get to celebrate this special day. i'm hoping & praying for you.