Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Two years later

Today is another one of those hard days for me.... two years ago today I had my miscarriage. Two days after Mother's Day... What a way to celebrate huh??? That was the hardest day in my life. It doesn't really get easier but now I have the hope of knowing that one day we will be blessed with a sweet baby in our home through adoption. I am grateful for that. I still miss and think about the baby that could have been, but it was obviously not meant to be at that time and place and the baby that comes to us will be in our home for a reason and I know that now. May that time speedily come.


The Wilker Family said...

That must've been so difficult. Sorry you had to go through that. We love you very much and are praying for your little one to come soon!

Lindsey from The R House said...

keeping my fingers crossed!

JANEAL said...

Hang in there!{I know it's easier said than done}. The waiting part is so hard and some days are easier than others.

Mike and Holly said...

You are right, that is never easy to get over. I had a miscarriage after Amy and often wondered if that one was meant for us, but years later I got my answer and knew it was not. The right one for you will come soon! That is part of every single one of our prayers.

Kirsten Krason said...

The reward will be all the sweeter when the wait is over. You are so strong. Hang in there! You will be a great mom.

Robert and Lisa said...

I am so proud of you Aranne. You are such a strong person and it's because of all these challenge's you have become the person you are. I know how much losing a baby can hurt, especially when the baby didn't even have a chance at life. But I am a true believer in the "Master plan" and I know that Heavenly father will bless you with a wonderful child when the time comes. We are always praying for you and Dan and we love you both dearly!

Maile said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I'm not sure that tender emotional spot that hurts so much when a miscarriage happens ever completely heals. It fades, but it's always so hard to think about. It took me months and months after we lost our last pregnancy to even be able to walk past the maternity clothes section in Target and not feel overwhelmed.

But, like you said, the baby that comes to you will come for a reason. I also pray that time may speedily arrive.

Hugs and hugs and hugs!