Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Maiden Voyage

Dan worked this morning, as did I, but by about noon we had done enough and decided we had to head to the lake. We needed to make sure that the skis still worked after being stored all winter and besides it is so nice outside right now and it is Tuesday and we knew we would have the lake completely to ourselves.... Well, we were right...

We were able to spend the afternoon at the lake basically all alone and it was wonderful. The water was 66 degrees and outside it was 93! What more could you ask for. It was a great first trip out and we hope to be able to have more fun, quick trips like this throughout the summer. We love that we live so close to the lake and make spur of the moment decisions to go (and that we both have great jobs that let us go on Tuesday afternoons!). We look forward to a great, long, season at the Lake!
We found a little beach area and hung out for a while....

Me looking fabulous on "Big George"

Dan giving the thumbs up right before he takes off

1 comment:

Kirsten Krason said...

I want to go on those!! Looks like fun! One day you can sell them to us.