Monday, October 20, 2008


The weekend was actually okay. We were able to do some housecleaning, organizing, and shopping that needed to get done (sounds really exciting right?!) but the end of the week and part of the weekend was still quite stressful and not pleasant. I had seen my fair share of Tylenol and Excedrin Migraine recently and that has not been fun.

I don't know what it is exactly but I have been having a lot of annoying headaches. I would not classify them as my migraines (thank goodness) but they have been daily, annoying headaches and that is almost worse. They just stick around all day! I know I have been stressing over certain things and been really busy with work and other parts of my life but usually that doesn't effect me like this.... Maybe I am just getting old and need to chill out a bit. I look forward to this coming weekend when we will be able to go spend some time with family and just relax. Hopefully I will feel okay and be able to just relax and have a good time; if I can make it through another week!


Rebecca and Co. said...

Aranne, I hope your headaches subside soon. All you have to do is get rid of all the stress in your life . . . right? LOL Glad you got a lot done this weekend.

The Wilker Family said...

Sorry about the headaches! That is seriously no fun. Hope they go away so you can feel good and relax this weekend!

JANEAL said...

Sorry to hear about your headaches. I agree that it is quite annoying to have one everyday. Mine finally went away and hopefully yours will too.

Head Over Hills said...

That is so frustrating when you don't feel good. It just makes it so challenging to get through the day. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. Daily headaches may be something other than stress; i.e. medication-induced (too much Tylenol and Excedrin Migraine), a different form of migraine, etc. If they continue kiddo, go see a doctor, perhaps a neurologist, and get the straight scope.