Sunday, October 26, 2008

Surprise Weekend

So the surprise was a success, THANK GOODNESS. It has been a stressful couple of months trying to keep things under wrap but on Saturday things came together and the shower went off without a hitch.

We left for Arizona on Friday morning and arrived to spend the evening with mom, dad, Amy and Steve. We just hung out and enjoyed some time together. We then made sure that we had things ready for the big party on Saturday. We then woke up on Saturday morning and had to put our plan into action. We had to get Amy out of the house. We took her to Wal-Mart and Starbucks and Jamba Juice. Once we got the call from mom that "Nate and Katie were ready for lunch" we came back and got the big surprise. Amy was truly surprised and that was all worth it. The shower went off great and she got lots of great gifts for their little one who will soon be here.

The rest of the weekend was smooth sailing. We had pizza for dinner and celebrated the upcoming holiday with some pumpkin carving; Styrofoam pumpkins that is.... It was so much fun. Everyone got into the spirit and had a great time. We carved a bunch of fun pumpkins and they all looked great, especially for first timers. The kids then went to a movie and saw Eagle Eye. We had to get up and head home on Sunday which is never fun. It was a long drive but the weekend had been well worth it. It is always great to see family and we won't be able to see them for the holidays this year so this was our big trip. After getting home, we just relaxed with a football game... The Steelers lost but it was a good game!


The Wilker Family said...

It really was a great weekend! We had so much fun hanging out with you guys and the surprise was amazing! Thank you!

Mike and Holly said...

We had a great time and the surprise couldn't have come off without you two! Plus, I never could have gotten the invitations made like you did. We loved the pumpkins, too.