Monday, October 6, 2008

Conference Weekend

Another six months has come and gone and we were blessed with the opportunity to hear from our Prophet and his apostles. Dan and I have the calling of being the Stake Technology Specialists (a fancy name for being in charge of taping and recording anything that comes across from Salt Lake), so that means we always get to see all sessions of conference.

These sessions were no different! They left us feeling uplifted and inspired. I usually leave feeling that there was one or two talks that were especially for me and this time the one that sticks in my mind for sure was the talk by the Prophet himself on making sure that we life for today and do all that we can with it. We need to remember the past and prepare for the future, but we need to do all that we can with today. We need to reach out to those who are in need and we need to tell those that we love we are thinking of them and leave nothing unsaid. For some reason this is the talk to spoke the strongest to me. I hope to be able to learn from this and become a better person, a good example and take advantage of the time that I have and do the most important things with it.

The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. The Steelers won yet again!! Now we have to get ready for a short work week and our trip to California that we have planned for the weekend, YEAH!

1 comment:

Mike and Holly said...

Conference seemed like there was a special message for just me, too. It is amazing how that can be! I read your blog faithfully, though mine falls far short, so thank you for the "tag" to make me get back on :)