Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yesterday I had the chance to sit down with a friend of mine that I haven't actually talked to in a while and it was great. I see this person all the time but never really "talk" to her. I decided it was time that we actually sat down and talked, and it was great.

I am so blessed to have so many great friends in my life. A lot of my friends are people that I don't see on a regular basis. Some of them are people who live far away, or who I don't talk to that often but they are some of the most important people in my life and I am so lucky to have them in my life. I am so thankful for the relationships that I do have with them and to know that I can call on them no matter what and that no matter how much time has passed we can always pick up right where we have left off.

That is what I love about this whole blogging thing and the computer. I have been able to re-connect with some of these friends that I speak of because of blogging and the computer. I am now able to be in contact with people from my past and see how they are and tell them about me and my family. It is wonderful. I have also been able to make new friends on here as well. It is a great connector.

I think that I am blabbing but I also think that many can relate to what I am saying (I hope!). I love my friends and I feel lucky to have so many. I wish many of them were closer, but I am thankful for the times that we have to spend together and cherish the memories that we make.


Lina said...

Awesome talking to you yesterday, we need more of that! :-)

Lina said...
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