Monday, August 25, 2008


No pictures for this weekend, but there were some happenings so here is the run-down.....

FRIDAY: Spent the morning cleaning up the house a little bit with the help of Morgan. Dan tried to get his truck shell but it wasn't quite ready...Oops! Headed over to mom's house for Card Class. Had some dinner with Dad and Morgan...Robert and McKenna arrived in the wee hours of the morning.

SATURDAY: Dan's truck shell was finally ready so he picked that up early in the morning and spent the rest of the day transferring all of his equipment from the old work truck, so his shinny new work truck. I spent the day at my mom's house helping out with her Stampin' Up New Catalog Open House. It was a lot of fun and we had a really good turn out. For lunch Cindy, Robert and I ventured out and went to Cafe Rio (my new favorite mexican place)! I had to hurry home because this weekend was Stake Conference and since we are in charge of the technical stuff for the stake we had to be there to set up the video equipment.

SUNDAY: Stake Conference in the morning and then a relaxing afternoon. For dinner we had some friends over from the Ward for a BBQ. Rex and Kim Hardy and their littlest one Ty came over and it was really nice. We haven't had a chance to spend any time with them in a long time and it was really nice to be able to talk to them and really catch up.

So, all in all a really nice weekend and hopefully that means we are off to a good week!


The Kurtzeborn Family said...

I have always wanted to try Cafe Rio. They have one here, but its way over in the east valley. :( Everyone raves about it though!! Hopefully Dan is enjoying his new work truck! I know I would enjoy driving a truck like that!! By the way, what does Dan do?

Aranne and Dan said...

I do talk about his work a lot and don't really say what he does, huh?! He sells and installs and repairs fire extinguishers. He also cleans and repairs fire suppression systems (the big system over the cooking area in any restaurant).... He is his own boss and loves it really.