Monday, August 18, 2008

It's getting HOT in her'

The time has come.... We have to get a new air conditioner.... We thought that we could make it through the summer (we hoped) but that nasty machine has other plans. I am sitting at my mom's house right now as I type this because it is getting hotter and hotter at my house and we are staying here until it is fixed. But luckily it will be done tomorrow!

Sunday night it died on us for good. We have been fixing part after part for the last few months but this time there was no fixing... we had to suck it up and just get a new one.... So Sunday we slept (well I slept and Dan sweated) through the night... but today and tonight we will be at my parents house.... When we left the house this morning it said 91 degrees... that is HOT let me tell you!

Thank goodness the company was so good about coming out to check it out and then coming to get us a new one so fast.... too bad they didn't want to give it to us for free too!


The Wilker Family said...

Sorry about the air conditioner, no fun for sure. Thank goodness you had somewhere cool to go in the mean time!

Mike and Holly said...

We really are sorry having done that three years ago. It is great to have a good one, but not too fun to pay for it.