Saturday, January 26, 2008

Glimpse into the future

Today was such a great day. We had the opportunity to go and see the sealing of a new baby into the family of some friends in FSA, the Waldron family. It was absolutely amazing. It reminded us of how important families are and how amazing adoption is and how wonderful the process is. We were so glad that they invited us to be a part of this special day and that we were able to be there at the temple with them and also have a glimpse into what will one day be us with our baby. It was so precious.

Again we are just so grateful to be on this path of adoption and to know that we are doing what we are suppose to be doing and that ONE DAY the Lord will bring the right child into our homes and that we will be able to be a family forever. It is so comforting to know that. It is a blessing in our lives to be able to know that and know that we just have to be patient and our time will come.


The Wilker Family said...

That sounds like such a sweet experience and so great to look towards the future for you two. You are in our prayers for sure!

Mom Urbancic said...

As grandparents, we are so pleased to read your bloggers. Also, we are impressed with the high levels of technical competance demonstrated. (You obviously all have great gene pools)
We know the importance of families and we have a fantastic wonderful family. The visits to temples reinforce the deep meaning of being eternal partners. Go often. Congratulations on the scouting job. Love Always, Lowell & Donna