Sunday, December 30, 2007

Task Completed

I DID IT!! I got my Personal Progress signed off by the Bishop today after church and I am so excited about it. It has been a few years now that I have been working on this (off and on) and I finally finished it. In about the middle of this year I decided that my goal was going to be to finish my Personal Progress by the end of this year. I still had quite a few "experiences" to work on but I was tired of seeing the book just sit there and wanted to actually get it done. I have been out of Young Women's now for quite a while and have really wanted to accomplish this goal once I found out that the leaders could get their medallion and pass off their Personal Progress as well. Since I decided that I was going to do it I really wanted to finish what I had started and I had set the goal of finishing it this year and I am very proud of myself for completing it. There were times I was not sure I was going to get it done (since weeks would go by and I would not work on anything at all) but when it came down to it this was something that I really wanted to do.

I am glad that I had the opportunity to work with the Young Women when I did and also to work on the Personal Progress program as an adult. I was not able to go through the program as a teen but have still learned tons by doing it now.


Kirsten Krason said...

Wow I am so proud of you! I bet it was really hard. You will always be able to tell your kids that you did it! Way to accomplish a goal! What is your "gift to christ" this year?

Mom Urbancic said...

you never told us, we are so proud of you! I did that as an adult and I know how hard that can be. Way to go!!!!!