Monday, December 15, 2008

The Forgotten Carols

We were able to attend a performance of Michael McLean's "The Forgotten Carols" tonight and I was so excited. Some friend's of ours called us at the last minute and said that they could not make it to the performance and offered us their tickets. It was so nice of them. Dan and I had actually talked about getting tickets ourselves but then never got around to doing it so this was such a great surprise. We were glad to take the tickets off of their hands.

Neither of us had ever been to a performance and weren't quite sure what to expect. We thought we were going to hear a choir sing and hear some Christmas songs, but we got a lot more. "The Forgotten Carols" is a wonderful play that Michael McLean wrote himself all about some unknown carols and stories regarding Christ's birth and people who were there and things of that nature. It is truly an amazing story. It is a show that has to be seen. We are so glad that we were able to be there and see this tonight. We left with such an amazing Spirit and it helps to remember what Christmas is really all about. This was such a great gift that our friend's were able to give to us and I am not sure that they understood they were giving it.


JANEAL said...

I love The Forgotten Carols! I'm glad you were able to go and see it because it is wonderful.

Kirsten Krason said...

I love it too. Michael McLean is so amazing.

Head Over Hills said...

I too love the Forgotten Carols. It has been years since I have seen it, but I listened to the soundtrack today while baking holiday goodies with my family. The music is so wonderful. I am so glad you were able to go and expereience it!

The Wilker Family said...

I am so jealous! I love the music for the Forgotten Carols and listen to it over and over every year, but I've never actually seen it. I'm glad to hear it was so good and what a great thing to do this time of year!

kelly said...

i bet it was awesome. i went years ago & loved it!