Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up

This weekend was busy but not too exciting...

Friday I spent all day at my mom's house scrapbooking and trying to get ready for convention. It is now less than a week away and we are almost ready, but not quite! It was a very successful day and we feel a lot more prepared. I was able to make a lot of swaps, get my projects designed and also get some cards ready for donation to Ronald McDonald House Charities....Then of course we had regular card class.

Saturday was Christmas in July! This was a trial run for us since this is the class that my mom is presenting at convention. It went over well and everyone who attended enjoyed themselves and the projects. After the stamp camp Dan and I ran some errands then got ready for our evening out. We got tickets to go and see Gavin Rossdale in concert at Hard Rock. We took Cindy and her friend with us. We were not quite sure how the concert was going to be but it ended up being a lot of fun and besides his horrible dancing he put on a great show. He needs to take some dancing lessons from his wife Gwen Stefani for sure!

Sunday we headed off to church then came home, put on some jammies and just hung out. It was a nice way to end the weekend. Besides the fact that the storm clouds had rolled in again and didn't leave us much sun to enjoy, so we spent the day inside and that was fine with us.

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