Friday, June 20, 2008

Pregnancy Pact

I read this story today and was shocked. I could not believe that something like this was actually going on and that it was happening in a high school and that people knew about it and that nothing was being done.....

17 teenage moms at one high school.... all planning to get pregnant and have their babies together...!!! That is absolutely crazy right?! Not unless you go to this school and are part of their pact.

I know I graduated 10 years ago, but come on I don't think I am THAT old when I say what are these kids thinking? I knew a couple (and when I say a couple I really mean A COUPLE) of girls throughout my entire high school career who got pregnant. And when they got pregnant it was a BIG deal and not something that people were overly excited about either. I don't know what our school, my friends, or anyone else at the school for that matter, would have done if 17 girls all at once would have been walking around pregnant - AND ON PURPOSE! This world really has lost their minds.


The Kurtzeborn Family said...

That's crazy! I almost wonder how many of them ended up with an STD as well as a pregnancy! Those poor babies!

There is a girl in our stake that was a senior this last year and she was a dating an LDS boy, but she was in love with him and didn't want him to leave on a mission. So she purposely persuaded him to have sex with her - until she got pregnant. She got her wish, she got pregnant, had to drop out of high school because of it, her boyfriend didn't end up going on his mission, and they actually just got married. She's 2 months from having her baby. She's a wife and a mom at 17! I swear the ideas these young teenage girls come up with.

JANEAL said...

These girls are insane! I can't believe the things that go through their minds....they act like it's a game. The problem now days is that is the "norm" to get pregnant in high school. Like you, there were only a couple of pregnant girls when I was in high school. Then I heard that last year at the high school I graduated from there were 13 pregnant girls. The sad thing about it is most of them end up keeping their babies.

The Wilker Family said...

I heard about this on Friday too and I was shocked! I think it is completely horrible and so sad and really says something about the society we live in today. Since I work with a lot of teenagers, I'm amazed at story after story they tell me of friends of theirs or girls at school who are pregnant or were pregnant or even already have a couple kids when they're 18! So sad!

marta said...

i couldn't believe the news either, what a crazy ordeal. if they even knew...