Friday, January 23, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

Confusion and questions basically filled my head this week. We are in a very crazy time and trying to decide what we want to do and how we want to move forward. Here is the story:

I have been helping a friend of mine do odd jobs here and there as he is trying to start up his own business. This is all great since it gives me some time out of the house and some extra money. But is it not very steady and not enough extra money to really count on. Then the other day I get a call from my old boss saying they could really use me to come back and work for them at the doctor's office. The only catch is that it is for sure a full time position. We have been struggling with the decision on what to do. Here we are with two opportunities when some people are struggling to keep their jobs or can't even find one!

Our feelings have not changed that once we are placed with a baby and the adoption goes through we still want for me to be at home and only work for my mom but we feel that right now while I am physically able to go out and work and make some cash that would be helpful (pay for a nursery, and planned trip to England in September, etc.) it would be silly for me not to accept the invitation to go back to work full time right now. It is just hard to wrap my brain around the idea when I have not worked full time out of the house for over 2 years and really wasn't planning on it. But this has just fallen into our laps so maybe there is a reason for it.

So I think I will be giving the doctor a call and as long as he is okay with giving me time off to attend Girls Camp and the wedding in the UK in September then I might be joining the outside working force once again. We will see what happens.


The Wilker Family said...

That's so great that you have this opportunity, and even better that it came to you instead of the other way around. Good luck with it all!

The Hardy's said...

I say go for it Girl! You might as well put some extra cash in your pocket while you can.

I enjoyed our visit the other day. Thanks for the present and stopping by. I love our visits.