Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eight years later

Feb. 2, 2002

We were married in the Los Angeles Temple eight years ago today! Time goes by so fast and life sure gives you some surprises. We never knew what we were in store for but we are so thankful for the things that have come our way and the experiences and events we have been able to share so far in our lives together.

It is so great to be able to enjoy each day with your best friend and really get to know each other. We are blessed to have been able to grow with each other and have such special times as just the two of us.....

We now embark on a new journey as a family and are excited about that. We never thought that it would take us almost 8 years of marriage before we were here but we are sure it was perfect timing and are excited about the future. Here is to 888 more wonderful years together....

Our family now... Feb. 2, 2010

1 comment:

Shaela said...

congrats!! My hubby and I just celebrated 7 years... it goes so fast, huh? You have a beautiful family. :)