Thursday, February 18, 2010

The dreaded day

So... the day finally came for me to go to Jury Duty... NO! I had been dreading this day for about a month since I got the summons in the paper. Is it just me or does everyone's stomach sink just a bit when they see that red, white and blue paper in their mailbox?

The biggest worry for me now was the idea of what I was going to do with Blake?! I got a summons for a Wednesday.... Hello?! Wednesday?! If it had been a Friday my dad could have watched him for him but not on Wednesday.

So Tuesday night I call in and they tell me I have to report... but not until noon. That was the only positive thing. So Wednesday I wake up, get ready and Blake is spending the day with mom (while she attempts to get some work done, hoping that I don't really have to be there until 5:00 like they say). I find my way downtown, park, walk what seems like 10 miles to the actual courthouse, sign-in and begin the waiting process...... and wait, and wait, and wait. They finally call a few people. They then say that they are not going to need EVERYONE (good news) and begin to release people... and they release a few more. We are left with a room of about 25 people, which I am sitting in and continue sitting in until 4:45pm!

Needless to say... it was a LONG, BORING day wherein I accomplished nothing. I LOVE JURY DUTY! But I am done for at least 18 months and I fulfilled by civic duty... just not quite with a smile.


Shaela said...

(trying not to laugh)... Do they not let you pass here in NV? In Washington when you get the summons, you can defer duty if you are the sole provider of a preschool age child. If you fill out the form, they actual defer you for like 6 years. But at least you're done for awhile! :)

Lina said...

That sounds so boring!!!! Gosh do you have to do it more then for one day?