Feb. 6, 2010....15.6lbs (at home?)
Three months already... I can't believe how fast the time is going...even though everyone told me it would. We are halfway through the six months that we have to wait until everything is final with the adoption and that is exciting. We had your third visit with the social worker and all checked out...Yeah! You are growing bigger everyday it seems and just getting more and more cute. I can hardly stand it.
* You definitely have the sleeping through the night down and we thank you for that!
* You are eating 5oz every 3 hours...(healthy eater for sure)
* You are wearing 3mo or 3-6 months clothes... You have outgrown all of the newborn and 0-3 month stuff
* You are wearing size 1-2 diapers
* You love to smile and we love to try to make you smile (no laughing yet though!)
* You have had your first night in a hotel (Sedona) and saw your first snow (Williams, AZ)
* You love to "talk" all the time and have tons to say
We will see what the next month brings us..