Monday, March 1, 2010

Zion or bust

After a long time of waiting... this trip was suppose to happen the weekend we were placed with Blake... Dan and his friend Brian finally headed out for a weekend camping trip. They were suppose to go to Death Valley but because they knew it was going to rain for sure, they decided to head to Zion. They didn't have much better weather there... it rained for about 5-6 hours straight on Saturday night... and it was really cold... but they got their trip in and had a great time hiking and taking pictures.

This was a well deserved trip for Dan... he was been working really hard, long hours and days so it was great for him to be able to get away, enjoy the outdoors and spend some time with his new hobby of photography!

1 comment:

Shaela said...

how fun! it's so nice to break away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life occasionally :)