Monday, January 18, 2010

I Pledge....

Did you see the Oprah Show today? What an eye opening show. Now.. I know that most people, if we are being honest, are guilty of talking or texting while we are driving from place to place. I know that I am one of those people. I am usually good about not texting, but talking I am for sure guilty of. Well... I am taking Oprah's challenge and deciding today that I will no longer be doing so in the car while driving.

I was shocked at some of the stories on her show today. It was sad, scary, and just plain unbelievable some of the things that were pointed out on the show. Mostly, it is the fact that it is all preventable and I hope to be able to do my part. I hope that others will follow along.

Read about Distracted Driving from Oprah HERE and please take the No Phone Zone Challenge and help save lives!


Rachel McEwen said...

i did see it and embarrassingly enough i was one of those "texters" and cell phone users while driving...but not anymore. How could I be so dumb??? The show was a great eye opener. I even lectured justin when he got home and told him if he loves me than the would watch the show.....he hasn't watched it yet:)

Ashley said...

I decided to do this a couple of years ago. One time (while driving) after I got off my phone, I realized I couldn't remember anything that I had done/seen the whole time I was on the phone. It really freaked me out when I realized how unaware I was being. Good for you guys for making the commitment. It is a hard/annoying thing to do but totally worth it.