I have been eating a lot of these types of food lately... Since around Easter I have changed my diet and gone strictly vegetarian! This is a big deal for those that have known me a long time and know that my standby has always been chicken strips. Now I was not a big red meat eater so that has not been a big change but the chicken has taken a little getting use to.. but a few months later I am still going strong. The biggest thing I am struggling with is trying to find ways to make sure I am getting enough protein and also not getting bored with what I am eating.
Dan has been supportive (not on board with the idea, just supportive and eating more vegetables too) and everyone else just seems to keep saying "are you STILL doing that?"... so in answer to everyone else - YES... I am still doing that!
Definitely not something I could do, at least not easily, but good job at sticking to it!!
Wow! That's quite a change, how come you've gone veggie? XX
good for you. that is hard to make a lifestyle change and stick with it. YOu will be all the healthier for it.
I am so proud of you!!! You are gonna be one healthy girl...hopefully!
Good for you Aranne. That is tough. I have a friend who is vegetarian and she is an amazing cook. If I lived with her, I could do it too. My body can't handle too much protein because of my kidneys, we eat a lot of meals that have no meat. I don't think I could get rid of the white meat, fish, and cheese. I love cheese! Are you completely veggie or just no white or red meats. What about fish?? You are brave. GOOD LUCK!!!
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