Saturday, June 18, 2011

Step Right Up

Ringling Bros. Circus came to town... so we decided to take Blake (and his cousins, Morgan and McKenna) to see the Circus. It's not like our house isn't a circus everyday but this one has a few more animals!

We weren't totally sure what to expect and weren't sure what Blake was going to think of the whole thing but he did a great job and really enjoyed the experience. He paid attention, pretty much stayed in a seat the whole time and loved watching all of the excitement going on. Couldn't ask for much more from an 18 month old at his first circus!

Tickets in hand and ready for the show to start!!!

Opening session... all the performers, animals and lots to see.

The big group of us at the show... Aranne, Blake, Papa, Morgan, Uncle Robert and McKenna. This was also Blake's favorite part about the circus... getting to sit and eat popcorn the whole time! He LOVES popcorn.

The elephants doing their thing.

Having some of dad's juice. (I swear it is juice. It looks like soda but it is NOT!)

After the show... we were lucky and found this crazy hat on our way out... too fun!

Everyone again... Uncle Robert, McKenna, Blake, Morgan, Papa and Aranne

1 comment:

Shaela said...

How fun!! We have never been to a circus but would love to take the kids someday. :)