Monday, May 30, 2011

Lunch Buffet

I don't know about other moms out there but sometimes I just don't know what to give Blake for lunch... or I feel like I am giving him the same thing over and over and over again. I know that I get sick of eating the same thing everyday so I feel like he must too.

Well... I was "blog surfing" which I occasionally do and I ran across a page where I saw this!

Introducing the LUNCH BUFFET...

I just put a little bit of a lot of different things into the cupcake pan and he LOVED it! I was so excited. It was a little tricky to try to come up with all of the different items but it worked out.

This has become a fun lunch that we have every once in a while. We shared it with Papa out in the yard once and he thought it was fun too. It is just a fun way to enjoy lunch and something different than just the same peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or bologna and cheese that fills up the rest of our week!

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