Thursday, April 21, 2011

Men at Work

Dan had a few things he was trying to do around the house one evening and Blake wanted to HELP! He loves to help his daddy and be involved in whatever Dan is doing. Dan thinks it is fun too that Blake is now at the age where he can be of "some" help with some projects... this one might not have been just that project but Blake thought he was helping for sure.

This made me only slightly worried when he decided to climb the ladder and had no fear... makes me think of possible trips to the ER that may be in our future. Fingers crossed they aren't any time soon.

This is him helping daddy with the vacuum. He is doing a great job holding it down in case it gets away.


The Wilker Family said...

Love it! Blake is adorable and I love those Father/Son moments!

Mike and Holly said...

OH my!!!! Blake is beyond cute and I love that he and Dan are both working so hard on the vacuum together. He really looks like he is trying to figure it out!