Friday, January 7, 2011

Thoughts on the New Year

First off I still can't believe it is 2011...

What do I want from this New Year? What do I hope it brings for me and my family? What do I hope to accomplish during the year? What do I want to change about myself this year? These are the questions I ask myself at the beginning of every year.... I love the New Year because I feel like it gives me a chance to start over and reconnect. I have a lot of big goals for 2011 and a lot of small ones too.

* I hope to find the time to reconnect with my creative side. I miss working on projects and using my hands. If I can find a way to sell them/earn some extra cash that would be great. But my main goal is to just get busy making things again. I miss that.

* Try to figure out this whole coupon thing. I am not very good at it and want to be. I see and hear about how people save tons and I have not yet been able to do that. I want to!

* Save, Save, Save... Most of you know we want to adopt again and this is our year to SAVE in order to begin the process again. We hope to be putting papers in this year and want to have money saved towards the adoption costs.

* Get moving! Now this doesn't always mean lose weight but that would be a great outcome. I just want to feel like I have more energy. I want to run and jump and play more with Blake and not feel so worn out after doing so.

Again... there are tons more little things I hope to do but these are the BIG ones on my list this year. I hope to be successful with these goals and see progress. That is the thing that keeps me going. Wish me luck and to all a wonderful 2011!

1 comment:

Kirsten Krason said...

My neighbor is a master at couponing. I am terrible at it.