Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Asking for help....

We just got home from our monthly FSA meeting and while I feel great about the meeting and great about the activities we are planning, I can't help but feel a little frustrated with our own progress and our own situation. Many of you know we are fast approaching the 2 year mark of our adoption process and that is testing our patience beyond measure some days; other days we are fine and don't even really think about it. On our way home from the meeting tonight we were talking and trying to come up with ways to reach our goal of an eternal family faster and what we might be able to do to help speed the process along. While we don't really have any "good" ideas we were hoping that we might be able to call upon our family and friends yet again.

I gave a class a while ago to new couples and told them all about ways that they could "promote" their own adoption and while we have done many of these ideas ourselves we are still trying to come up with more ways. I am hoping that we might be able to get some of you on board with us on this effort as we hope it might reach someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, etc.

What we are asking is that if you would be willing we would love to have you "STEAL" our picture that I have on the top of this post and place it somewhere on your blog. I would then love for you to have a link attached that leads back to our adoption blog which is That is the least that we are asking. If you feel like you want to do more and write an actual post telling who we are and why you suddenly have a picture of two strange people on your sidebar that would be awesome! Anything that you could do would be great.

Please let me know if you did any of the above, for one because I want to see it, and for two because I want to thank you. It really does mean a lot to us. We are just trying to get our names and faces out there and figure this might be a good way for a lot of people to see us. No pressure, honestly, but if you think you can... great! If you have any other questions about it, just leave me a comment and I can get back to you.

Thanks again!


The Wilker Family said...

Done! I just posted on our blog about you two and hope that this helps. You really are in our prayers everyday!

Rebecca and Co. said...

Aranne, I don't know why but your newest blog posts show up on my blog roll several days after you post them. SO I just read this today . . . AND I would love to put your picture on our blog.

I think you and Dan are a great couple and I KNOW you will be great parents.

Much love,

Lina said...

Let's go international as well shall we :-) I'll put it on our blog as well if you want me to. XXX

jojomynx said...

Done, lady! let me know if there is anything else we can do to help. You guys hang in there, your special baby is coming.

Lina said...

Have fun this weekend!!! And look out for bugs. :-) XXXXX

Lina said...

I want to hear about the weekend! :-) Give me an update (so not busy at work at all...) :-) XXXX

The Hardy's said...

I guess I'm a little dumb because I can't get your picture to post on my layout. Maybe you can inform me on how to do it exactly.

Lisa said...

What a great idea. Since I never work on my blog and you are the only one that looks at it, I will keep my ears open. I always do. This will happen, don't worry. Enjoy every minute you guys have together. I wouldn't change anything about our first 9 years of marriage. We were free to do anything we wanted before kids and we had a lot of jealous friends. We are praying for you both and love you a ton!!! You are welcome to borrow our kids anytime. I know they aren't small and cuddly soft, but there are awfully fun! Sounds like a fun camping weekend.

Maile said...

Aranne, of course it took us forever because we don't update our blog very often, but I just posted about you and added a permanent photo and link on the side. Lots of love to you both!